Shop Schedule
January 8th at 12pm et // Limited preorder slots for both sizes of the scallop shell pendants that launched at the Salem Night Faire, along with Pomegranate Pendants and The Seed (poppy pod) Pendants. These pieces will be made just for you with chain length and stone shape of your choosing, and therefore will require up to 4-6 weeks production time before shipping.
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February 13th at 8pm et // The Final Harvest Collection Vol. IV // This cornucopia of jewels is an ode to the final harvest of Samhain, and to the oldest practices associated with this time between times. When the last stalks of wheat bowed beneath the curving blades of scythes, and all the thistle down had taken flight upon the wind, when every oak donned its autumn-best, and ritual bonfires lined the countryside, farmers of olde were confronted with their mortality. On the threshold of the dark half of the year, the ancient Celts saw this liminal moment as a chance to seek ancestral blessings for the difficult days ahead. They believed that the boundary between this world and the Otherworld was at its thinnest, and that this temporary portal was an optimal time for divination, ancestor worship, and protection magic. These olde world beliefs and rituals, and the way they relate and even bleed into modern practices, are the central inspirations for this forth iteration of my Final Harvest Collection. I chose imagery and stones to evoke these concepts, which I'll delve into further as I reveal the completed jewels. These pieces are meant to serve as protection in dark days and as reminders of all that our ancestors endured so that we may thrive.
February 20th at 8pm et // The Final Harvest Collection Vol. IV, Part II // This update will include a handful of pieces from the sketchbook page for this collection that I wasn't able to either photograph or complete in time for part one: the amber and thistle statement necklace, scythe pendant, oak leaf pendant, wide band palm root ring, and fire opal saddle ring.
Orders from both parts of this collection will ship throughout the week of 2/20, along with pending preorders from January's update.
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